Jude Oriko Ezechizi
4 min readSep 20, 2021

The Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow Of The Financial System

Predominantly, the trade by barter system was not very efficient in the preindustrial age as the medium of exchange and transfer of assets, as transaction costs were high due to the lack of a medium of exchange. This resulted in limiting the extent and growth of the market and the opportunities for specialization. Therefore, borrowing and lending was informal and most of the transactions were based on trust as it were.
As it is with every pressing need, the search for an efficient medium of exchange gradually led to the monetization of precious metals. As a result, the payment mechanism became simpler and safer. The new monies facilitated trade and provided a store of value and a unit of account.

Metallic payment was a big step forward. Gradually, however, paper-based instruments, which were cheaper and more convenient, came to replace coins and bullion. Payment orders, letters of credit, and negotiable bills of exchange evolved with the expansion of nonlocal trade
The birth of currency marked the birth of the human financial system, and the scale of the financial system is much larger than the scale of the currency itself.

Looking at the case of the US, the financial crisis which began in early 2006 reached its peak in 2008, when the subprime mortgage market began to display an increasing rate of mortgage defaults. These defaults lead to a decline in US housing prices after nearly a decade of exceptionally high growth. Many Americans watched as their primary source of wealth become increasingly devalued. This prompted Satoshi Nakamoto who authored the bitcoin “white paper” which propagated the birth of a ‘blockchain’ financial system which championed the elimination of the middleman during peer-to-peer financial transactions. Of course, this concept did not gain traction until 2013 when the bitcoin market cap passed $1 billion. Decentralized Finance has undoubtedly revolutionized the crypto scene with its wide range of benefits such as accessibility of financial products on a public decentralized blockchain for use by anyone, hence circumventing the need to go through intermediaries like banks or brokerages.

Ultimately, 2020 is the startup year of DeFi and 2021 is the growth year of DeFi. According to CoinGecko, the total market value of DeFi has reached a new high, US$140 billion.

The crypto community, which is famously decentralized and often divided, is starting to become a real political force. This time people are definitely paying attention despite its political ramifications within certain big government entities.
In the year 2020, decentralized financial technology attracted global attention, in the future all traditional finance will be developed again in a decentralized form which will burst out more amazing innovations than digital currencies from the perspective of human, fairness, freedom and efficiency. In addition to basic function provided in DeFi 1.0, Keplerswap also provides JUMBO lucky pool, Space contribution award, open technology and finance to achieve a complete decentralization and autonomy.
Ahead of us lies a definite potential for large online retail companies like Amazon to incorporate blockchain technology into its massive e-commerce business. Blockchain currently makes up a minuscule percentage of Amazon’s revenue, but as the technology evolves, there’s potential for much more.

Electronic signatures save time and money for companies and individuals — an estimated $36 reduction in the cost of doing business per transaction. Moreover, blockchain technology has the potential to transform the cashless payment space, particularly when it comes to cross-border money transfers, which have historically been slow and costly.

KeplerSwap will be the next most promising DeFi 2.0 player of today.

KeplerSwap Seeds Token ($SDS) //
$SDS is a native token used on Keplerswap to support and add value to the platform. 97.5% of the transaction fees generated by trading $SDS will be returned to users and 2.5% will be used for Ecological construction thus achieving 100% return of value as the first token holders contribute to the liquidity of Keplerswap.

Benefits Of Seeds Token //
1. $SDS holders will enjoy a premium on the value of tokens and mining rewards from the mining pool by staking $SDS.
2. Joining $SDS liquidity mining will also have the chance to participate and win reward from the JUMBO lucky pool draw, the draws are generated weekly by smart contract using a harsh value random number algorithm where no one can cheat the system.
Users can obtain the ecological governance right and to create new SPACE. The space owner is incentivized with significant reward from their liquidity contribution on the platform.
SPACE members can obtain voting, proposal and governance rights. SPACE members and owners can also obtain the monthly accumulated rewards from bonus pools by jointly establishing the spaces.

$SDS Usage; //
$SDS has a wide range of usage;
1. It is used in platform governance
2. Full ecological exchange
3. Liquidity mining
4. Lucky pool lottery
5. Space creation and voting
6. Aggregate mining
7. Airdrops
8. Coin pledging and more
As an explorer of DeFi2.0, KeplerSwap will solve many problems from legacy DeFi 1.0

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Jude Oriko Ezechizi

A Creative Designer who deploys solution based approach to problem solving.